Does it seem impossible?
Ever feel like no one is really hearing you?!
Something personal is spoken or written and it is as if the true meaning of your words were not understood.
The game plan is unique…the receiver goes on the defensive which is entertaining and quite unusual in sports…not so much in interpersonal relationships.
We all probably realize that defensive responses can be triggered by feelings of anxiety, insecurity and sensitivity.
There is plenty of that going around.
Maybe we are all distracted.
I think that most reasonable, intelligent humans believed that once trump was defeated America would get back on track.
This appears to not be the case.
We are seemingly on the verge of re-enacting Margaret Atwood’s Handmaid’s Tale, once again we are witnessing a potential whack job felon running for president, we are experiencing overt racism and antisemitism so the fact that people are not always present, on edge and reacting defensively is understandable.
It just seems that no matter what is said words are taken as a personal insult or verbal attack on character despite context or manner.
Focus people. Not everything is a criticism. Sometimes you simply want open communication and ultimately, to make things better.
Instead of handing out mints to people with questionable breath, I want to start distributing THC gummies to make the world a more mellow, flexible place to thrive.
And, to broach another timely topic, I am throwing this out there amidst all the chaos…Mifepristone, display yourself proudly and continue to stop the seed from flourishing as you have so admirably done for over 20 years. Stand strong in all pharmacies across this right wing, sexist, controlling, ignorant white man infested society.
Can you hear me now?
No need to respond…just digest these words.
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