Bring It On…

On May 20th my blood pressure was sky high.

Life’s stresses had just about defeated me.

Fast forward to May 31st and my BP is superb.

Bottom line, I need a new reality.

I am an internalizer.

Not a healthy prescription for regulating high blood pressure.

I know that it is not presently in the cards for us to live on an island full-time, but for eight glorious days I exercised without pain, I never had one migraine and even drank alcohol which is often a migraine trigger.

I slept like a baby all through the night.

I read 10 books.

No TV.

No cars.

No traffic.

Few humans.

I derived a great deal of pleasure and joy from observing nature…our last night (boo hoo) was embellished by leaping dolphins and a flock of flamingos in flight, silhouetted by a dazzling, vibrant setting sun.

I never snacked.

I ate healthy.

I was happy and positive every glorious day.

The happy hangover got me through a rough flight home enduring turbulence and 90 minutes of circling Washington DC while waiting for torrential rain and thunderstorms to dissipate in the NYC area.

I appreciate everything right now.

And the cherry on top of the plethora of mango daiquiris…I experience the most fabulous, kickass birthday.

A huge thank you to my incredible family for making the day so special.

Thank you all for the amazing birthday wishes.

The Devil is back and ready for anything…bring it on.



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  1. Welcome Back! May the force be wih You?

  2. Anna Holbrook says:

    Lets just say NO to high blood pressure!!!
    God Bless your sweet family. They do seem to take good care of, and appreciate you.
    In acting, we use an ‘as if’ in order to get ourselves into a ‘state’ or ’emotion’ without having to go back and retrieve an entire event. For you, my ‘as if’ would be: it’s as if I am on that beach looking out at that ocean.
    If you close your eyes, go there, breathe that in, see it, smell it, feel the sand, the heat, the breeze, hear the waves . . . . my bet is that this might be as effective as a blood pressure pill!

  3. Anna Holbrook says:

    oh, and – NEVER – watch the news!!!!!

  4. Beth Martin says:

    Yay. You’re back in NYC. I’m so happy for you that you had such peace, pleasure and a pain free existence. See you Monday. We’re off to the beach.

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