

It cuts both ways.

I saw the stunning London production of Betrayal on Broadway last weekend.

The Pinter play, starring Tom Hiddleston, Zawe Ashton and Charlie Cox, was riveting.

Employing minimal sets, the Harold Pinter dialogue and outstanding, understated acting filled the theatre with restraint and passion.

On the other end of the spectrum I experienced authentic, in your face Betrayal last Sunday.

The NY Football Giants were actually worse then I could have ever imagined.

The Giants appeared lost and uninspired.

The defense Betrayed everyone…a high school football team would have performed better.

Betrayal on the part of the coaching staff…what a bunch of overpaid, idiotic losers.

If you want to experience positive Betrayal head to the Bernard B. Jacobs Theater for the impressive limited run and word to the wise, never Betray your sensibilities and invest your time in a NY Giants game unless you relish Betrayal.

Curses, I will be watching on Sunday at 1pm.

Such a personal, hurtful Betrayal.

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