Bed Head…

Long Days Journey Into Night.

That’s what yesterday felt like.

Bed was my only safe place.

This is a new fangled flu. It is like having labor pains in your midriff.

Watched Saltburn which added additional pain.

It has to be the most insidious movie ever made. How this piece of celluloid crap has earned awards and recognition is beyond me.

I did enjoy the Netflix newly released eight-part miniseries, Fool Me Once.

While I was busy being sick a venture fund and a real estate startup, both with links to far-right organizations, was busy promoting a overpriced residential development in rural Kentucky as a haven for fellow rightwingers.

The promoters have presented the planned development as a simpatico community for rightwingers who want to “disappear from the cultural insanity of the broader country” and “spearhead the revival of the region”.

I guess we all choose to be busy with our own personal projects.

The community will be run by Protestant Christians and would seek local political influence and use that as a blueprint for state-level power…talk about a disease.

My only goal is to rid my body of cramping and aches and, ultimately, get rid of bed head.

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One Comment

  1. My only comments are wishes for
    you for you to feel better and re Kentucky land planning
    Oh. The horror’

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