

Monday, I volunteered for Hillary.

I set up a table provided by the Clinton campaign and took a seat on Montana Avenue in Santa Monica.

The heat was enervating topping the index at 100 degrees.

I spoke to many concerned voters and even sold  a heap of hats, buttons and bumper stickers.

Women were particularly enthusiastic about voting for Hillary.

Some men were very insulted that I asked if they were registered to vote.

I quickly did a reality check, thinking, did I experience heat stroke and ask them their penis size rather than if they were registered?

Silly me, I did not think that was such an invasive question.

After all, millions in other countries fight for the right to vote and often their efforts are in vain.

My initial mission was to help the Clinton campaign in any way possible.

I also did it for selfish reasons.

Monday, I was feeling very nervous about the impending debate.

It felt like football Sunday all over again and I was hoping for a better result than the NY Giants had provided.

It was heartwarming and validating to hear so many concerned voters were experiencing the same feelings.

Many are as passionate as me about electing Hillary.

People are shocked that Trump has gotten this far.

A Mexican tourist stopped to declare her love and support for Hillary and told us how much her compatriots feared Trump.

An Australian tourist came over to the table and thanked me for volunteering. She related that Australians are mortified and scared that Trump could be president.

She also imparted that a noted Australian journalist has a weekly column about the U.S. election and writes about the idiocy known as Trump.

I encountered three Trump supports who were young, arrogant cocky men…whatever.

I had a long conversation with a very well dressed realtor who immigrated to the U.S. from Iran.

He had not registered to vote. He supported Bernie Sanders and liked Hillary, but was not motivated to vote which was stunning for me to hear because he family had fled Iran…go figure.

It was a rewarding experience.

My takeaway was many citizens are very involved and concerned.

I was shocked that so many millennials are  not registered to vote. It is one of the greatest rights we have as American citizens.

Just in case you are caught unawares, U.S. citizens have until October 24th to register to vote.

If it was a designer sale, people would most likely be inspired to get out there.

Well, America is for sale…don’t like this GREAT country be short changed.

After witnessing the Trump train wreck during the debate on Monday and the composure and knowledge that Hillary displayed, I am even more invigorated.

In fact, my daughter and I will be joining a NYC bus trip to Pennsylvania, a swing state, to support Hillary’s candidacy and spread the word.

I’m With Her.


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