Winning Is The Only Thing…

The possible announcement by President Biden has upset me on a certain level.

Allegedly, he is now seriously considering not running again for president.

Many intelligent Americans recognize what a productive, compassionate American and president Joe Biden is.

During President Biden’s four years as president we have witnessed an enormous amount of achievements from a strong stock market and economy, reduced pharmaceutical prices, alleviation of student loans, enhanced childcare, infrastructure, a huge drop in unemployment numbers.

The reality is all this good news and progress is just not good enough.

Joe Biden has dedicated his life to public service. He cares about people. He is a compassionate president.

Sure he screwed up majorly at the debate. Many politicians have performed poorly, but that further highlighted Biden’s age.

Wednesday, he looked decidedly feeble climbing the steps to Air Force One after being diagnosed with Covid.

Trump is old, sloppy, creates his own language, knows nothing about world politics, is inept, but his shortcomings do not stick to Agent Orange.

A stutter, a bad gait and age have masked Biden’s achievements.

The fact is the majority of the voting public do not want Biden or trump.

I loath trump and do not sleep at night envisioning a trump presidency/dictatorship.

As much as I respect Biden I just want to win because winning isn’t everything. It’s the only thing!

If a younger, vibrant candidate entered the race with Kamala Harris I believe apathetic democrats, independents and no trumpers both young and old would rush to volunteer along with donations flooding in.

The majority of Americans care about this country and are motivated to preserve democracy…just give us something to talk about.

Democrats, please pull together a winnable ticket and for the love of democracy get your shit together and let’s go beat that slovenly orange dictator.

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