Vive La France…

Let the sympathy tour begin!

Every French person we have encountered comments that they wept when the U.S. presidential election results were announced.

I have never experienced the French so compassionate…may be the only positive to surface from my world rediscovering that Orange is the new Black.

Our trip across the Atlantic was thankfully uneventful with only minor turbulence. Traveling Business class is the only way to fly and I am willing to surrender the opportunity to buy a luxury bag for the right to travel pinkie’s up.

There were thousands at Passport Control.

The good news besides the heat and garlic emanating from too many foreign agents crammed into one long room is that Charles de Gaulle has gone the way of global entry so the process only took 20 minutes instead of 2 hours.

Our favorite hotel room on Ille St Louis  was not ready at 8:30 am so we hit the streets until 2pm walking 81/2 miles.

On the agenda was walk bys along the Seine with breathtaking views of the Eiffel Tower.

Then we visited La Samaritaine and the new Louis Vuitton store adjoining their gorgeous corporate office building.

The Louvre was next along with the Pyramid, newly refinished arch, the Tuileries, shopping on Rue Saint-Honore, Madeleine, place de la Concorde and a magical visit to the Petit Palais. It was built for the 1900 Exhibition and became a museum in 1902.

Petit Palais is open every day except Monday and is free admission for the permanent collection.

The museum is exquisite with decorated high ceilings, interesting artwork and a remarkable garden.

Shopping at Gucci and Dior on Rue Montaigne was next.

Onto the Eiffel up close and personal which flowed into  a left bank stroll by the Seine back to the hotel.

A 2 hour rest and cleanse and then dinner in the Overkampf district at Oobatz a truly amazing pizza restaurant…yes we devoured the best fermented pizza crust anywhere.

Another stroll and finally sleep after 30 hours without.

That’s just the first day in Paris…less then 16 hours after touching down in the most beautiful city in the world.

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  1. It’s always been a rotating #1 and #2 for most beautiful city in the world – Paris or Rome. (I keep NYC in its own category.)
    Paris is more beautiful, but its cool (meaning indifferent), chic, elegance sometimes does not welcome. your embrace. Is its beauty only skin deep?
    Whereas Rome (where I was 3 weeks ago), with all its grit and graffiti (Why would someone spray paint those walls??), wraps you up, envelopes you. I walked 10 miles every day in Rome, smiling all the way. Maybe it’s because I have had more fun in Rome, have laughed more and have eaten better (except for their attempts at croissants).
    But, Paris is where I am planning to spend the week between Xmas and New Year’s . Hoping the pure beauty will help heal my heart (very recent end to the relationship with the man I love).
    Where do you stay on the Ile St-Louis? I have stayed at Des Deux Iles and the Saint Louis en L’Ile. And, I had heard of that pizza place (I’m always looking for good pizza places) and will be sure to go.
    Hope to see you in early December.
    Enjoy your flâneurs!

    • Paris this time is so lively and friendly! I hope you have a great time. Yes! Hitle Daint Louis d’ille!!
      My blog for Paris restaurants. Lapses is amazing and lunch at Helene Darroze and for an amazing experience venture to Le Doyenne 45 minutes outside Paris.
      Trying Datil this time. Shabour is fantastic, too. Substance. I reviewed them all.
      Sorry about your break up. His loss!
      I know Paris so well that I am always happy and comfortable here. Rome is phenomenal.

  2. Cathy Newman says:

    Ahhhh, what a lovely getaway from the madness. Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving! Will Cortney be joining?

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