Don’t destroy the Pride.
Walter J. Palmer you morally cannot go out and hunt these gorgeous animals and not internalize what you are ethically doing.

Going on safari in Africa is awe inspiring, one of the most rewarding and memorable things you can do… a rare privilege. Seeing the Big Five and any creature in their natural environment is one of the greatest gifts.

My family has a deep, unabiding love for Africa. My husband was born in America and raised in South Africa. We are fortunate enough to have visited with regularity and the highlight of the trip is always going to the game reserves.

I cannot put into words the heartbreak I experienced when I read about Cecil’s ungodly demise. To be a guest in the animal kingdom is a true honor. Respect is mandatory.

How can anyone want to destroy this natural beauty? Would Palmer want his two children hunter down and lured by a predator, violated, wounded and then left to die and eventually skinned?
Apparently, Doctor Death has illegally committed similar crimes in the past. He pleaded guilty to federal charges related to the poaching of a black bear in Wisconsin. Palmer was sentenced to one year probation and fined nearly $3,000.
In the spring of 2003, Palmer was convicted of a misdemeanor in western Minnesota and paid a small fine for fishing without a license.
In 2009, The NY Times published an article on big-game hunting and Palmer was listed as killing a near-record size elk with a bow and arrow in Northern California.
Palmer is listed as a member of the trophy hunting organization Safari Club International. His profile on SCI’s website lists 43 kills, including another lion, rhino, leopard, caribou, moose, deer, buffalo, a polar bear and mountain lion.
Palmer reportedly paid more than $54,000 for the hunting trip to Zimbabwe.
Palmer also hunts down women. In 2009, Palmer agreed to a settlement with the Minnesota Board of Dentistry over allegations that he sexually harassed a receptionist. She alleged that Palmer made comments about her breasts, buttocks and genitalia. Without admitting guilt, Palmer settled and paid $127,500 to the woman, who also was his patient.
An arrow right to your male organ, dick head.
Additionally, Robert Mugabe’s corrupt government in Zimbabwe needs to revisit their animal preservation laws. Tourists are only attracted to Zimbabwe for the game reserves and Victoria Falls. Clean up your act, Mugabe.

Whether Cecil the lion’s killing was legal or not, its impact will immediately be felt. According to researchers, the disappearance of a top lion often leads to carnage. Another male lion will likely kill Cecil’s children, then breed with the mothers of Cecil’s slain cubs to create his own pride.
While we are at it, let’s drill down and extract Dr. Palmer, persuading him to stop killing even one more animal whether it is with a bow and arrow or a gun.
if you really care and are greatly disturbed by Cecil’s cruel and untimely death, please donate to wildcru.org, the organization that had been tracking Cecil in minute detail since 2008.
I hope that Cecil did not die in vain and that we all stand up and fight back. Change is vital.
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Well said . . .Well said. Beautiful pictures.