Post Tagged with: "Frank GIfford"


Tackling The Violent Side Of Sports…

Tackling The Violent Side Of Sports…

Sleepless Monday Night.

New York Giants, Social Commentary

A Real Giant...

A Real Giant…

Cloudy Sunday so went to see Meryl Streep and Rick Springfield in, Ricki and the Flash. I had a ball…maybe it was the oldies, but it sure was a pleasant […]

Los Angeles

Hot Child In The City...

Hot Child In The City…

The heat is on. Los Angeles was sweltering yesterday. I literally burned my finger opening the car door.

Sexism, Women's Rights

Schisms in the Isms...

Schisms in the Isms…

Oh no, I think I am having a serious moment. Courtny, my dazzling daughter, and I have talked about women in the work place for years. She has known that a glass […]