Snap Out Of It….

Is half of this country on crack?

Why is there any debate about who should be our next president?

I wouldn’t even let Agent Orange, that out of shape, inarticulate, sociopath, walk my dog. He doesn’t have the focus or presence of mind to get her across the street safely.

Don’t voters watch trump rallies? He stumbles and fumbles, is mean spirited, damning everything without concrete proof or proven evidence, spewing hate, anger, rage and retribution.

So according to him, America was perfect four years ago and now it is a disaster, a vast wasteland.

Hey MAGA supporters, ever check out economic analyst, Steve Rattner’s, charts? Too much reality for all you deplorables?

Agent Orange has admitted to wanting to be a dictator, abolish the Department of Justice and Education…can you not see what will happen if he becomes president?

I just don’t get it.

Google his latest autocratic idol, Viktor Orban. Humpty Trumpty is trying to emulate Orban’s Hungarian power grab by hypnotizing white Christian conservatives. He will feed them a steady diet of tasteless, colorless Wonder Bread, stuffed with bologna, a shmear of mayo and a side of bigotry.

Are Americans that stupid?

Do they crave a dictator, forsaking democracy?

Can’t they objectively recognize all that the Biden administration has accomplished?

Do Americans hate everyone over 60 except trump?

In this age of social media do they only crave good looks and youthful exuberance?

I bet when the average American voter rolls over in the morning they see a less than stunning, somewhat out of shape partner in their bed who sometimes stumbles. Does that make him/her unfit to parent or be productive?

I think Joe is a very productive, young at heart president who maintains a loving, respectful marriage and doesn’t screw around, views women as equals, has never posed for an official mug shot or can boast about 91 indictments against him.

Biden showed great poise and gave a phenomenally impassioned speech last night. He was appropriately aggressive, displayed great exuberance, vim, vigor and a pugnacious attitude.

Seriously, what’s age got to do with it if you have the intelligence, guts, imagination and fortitude to lead!

Wake up America….damn it, snap out of it.

Let’s Go Joe!!


Photo:Hollywood Reporter

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  1. Yes!!!

  2. Perfectly stated Toby !! Go President Joe !

    • Thanks! Let’s go Joe? Do you just love the idiocy of the MAGATTES…instead of Sleepy Joe and he’s too old, today they are claiming he was on Adderall last night. What a bunch of morons?

  3. Terry Nicholas says:

    Well said indeed! It’s a prospect too awful to contemplate – the mere thought of that contemptible idiot at the helm is enough to fill me with dread. Seriously.

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