Sleepless in America…

I rarely sleep.

The Dow has dropped over 1400 points this week and it is only Wednesday.

That could add to my sleeplessness.

I must admit that when I start my days at 3am I actually enjoy the quiet, no human interaction, no upsetting news or emails because I try not to reach for my phone.

Of course, I cannot turn my brain off.

I was thinking this morning about how that man is ruining this country which until January 20th was not my usual middle of the night thought process.

I was contemplating the amount of havoc, worry and turmoil Agent Orange has incited since he ascended the throne 51 days ago. In that short period of time he has taken 15 vacation days at a cost to taxpayers of $18 million.

This weekend will be Trump’s 6th trip to Mar-a-Lago since his inauguration in January. Always shooting for an ass Hole In One.

What a con artist. My husband can’t even take a day off with a fractured back.

It is 4:30am, time to post and enjoy the peace for another few hours except today I cannot stop thinking about how that selfish prig just destroyed innocent peoples lives by canceling these lifesaving programs:

  • A grant to help UNICEF deliver polio vaccines to millions of children
  • A contract for malaria tests, treatments, and preventative measures that would have protected 53 million people
  • A project in the Democratic Republic of Congo that is the only source of water for 250,000 people
  • HIV treatment projects that provided medication to 350,000 people in Lesotho, Tanzania, and Eswatini
  • Eighty-seven women’s shelters in South Africa that took care of 33,000 survivors of rape and domestic violence
  • A project that provided food for malnourished pregnant women in Bangladesh

Close my eyes and dream about a world without orange and fade to black.

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One Comment

  1. ellie lupo says:

    all correct it is awful…shameful..all unreal that no ……one stops him or all that voted this man in..i cannot watch he news …too upsetting , got to fight…call all your congressmen/women
    boycott and pray that it will somehow work.

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