I am proudly waving my Orange alma mater flag.
Kudos to fellow Syracuse University/Newhouse graduate, Weijia Jiang, who did not back down and valiantly faced off against the racist, sexist Agent Orange.

During a question and answer session, Weijia Jiang, CBS White House corespondent, asked why the president constantly emphasizes that the U.S. is doing better than any other country when it comes to testing.
Why does that matter?” she queried. “Why is this a global competition to you if every day Americans are still losing their lives and we are still seeing more cases every day?”
Trump retorted: “Well, they are losing their lives everywhere in the world. Maybe that is a question you should ask China. Don’t ask me. Ask China that question. When you ask China that question you may get a very unusual answer.”
Humpty Trumpty then called on another reporter, Kaitlan Collins of CNN (you go, Kaitlan!), but she paused to allow her fellow journalist to respond to the Bloated One’s condemning comment: “Sir, why are you saying that to me, specifically?”
The equal opportunity jerk then replied: “I am not saying it specifically to anybody. I am saying it to anybody who would ask a nasty question like that.”
Jiang pointed out: “That is not a nasty question.”
Whenever he does not know the answer or if there is an opportunity to be rude, racist or a sexist he goes low.
I am scared to death that this sociopath will be re-elected now that Russia has revved up their meddling methods.
They already attempted to influence the 2020 election prior to the coronavirus pandemic by causing confusion and division.
The latest Kremlin efforts have included hacking targets related to presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, advancing conspiracy theories to counter established facts regarding Russian meddling in the 2016 election and even providing support to far-right organizations in an effort to incite white nationalist violence in the United States.
I fear four more anxiety-ridden, destructive, alienating years of Agent Orange more then I fear Covid-19.
I can self-quarantine, wear a mask and constantly wash my hands, but without united, motivated fellow Americans, we cannot sanitize or wash the demonic, uncaring dictator away.
We all desperately yearn for a Corona cure.
I am hopeful that a vaccine will be soon be discovered.
Rising up and eradicating this lethal Agent Orange disease has to be our focused, defined mission.
Go get the Orangeman!
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I agreed with every word. Thank you, TL.