Milk, Eggs, Butter, Hot Dogs & Sushi…

Sushi surfing at the grocery store.

I cannot think of any place other than a gas station convenience store where I would rather not buy sushi.

I remember going to theater with my daughter and her friend met us there. She was hungry and stopped at a Los Angeles gas station before the show and purchased sushi. Needless to say, she didn’t make it to the curtain call.

My viewpoint is obviously not shared as sushi buying is up 70% at US grocery stores.

Apparently, Americans are as undiscriminating  about their sushi as they are about their political representatives.

I have been indulging my sushi urges at the same Los Angeles sushi bar for over 40 years. I do not stray. I only dine at a few sushi places in NYC and one in south Florida.

Americans clearly are not snobby about their sushi.

Kroger’s grocery store chain which I find horrid, is the largest purveyor of sushi in the country, selling more than 40 million pieces per year.

Grocery stores across the US are benefiting from consumers choosing an $8.99 California roll over an omakase date night, a ridiculous comparison because Omakase can run from $100 which is dirt cheap to $1000 at Masa in New York City.

Bottom line, grocery store sushi and maki seem fishy to me…I will never willingly consume mass produced sushi,  but  enjoy  if  Publix,  Stop&Shop, Walmart, Target, Costco are your go to sushi bars…I might consider trying the new Wegmans (best grocery store ever) sushi bar opening October 18th at Astor Place in NYC. The 10-seat sushi bar will fly in items from Toyosu Fish Market in Tokyo.

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