Food Glorious Food…

The invasion into our country that is killing millions of Americans.

So says Trump.

Good news.

While the immigrants are knocking down doors after easily escaping from prisons and insane asylums and then walking thousands of miles to attempt to cross the border into trump’s racist kingdom, hurry, scurry into the kitchen before sequestering in your safe room and grab your Costco Emergency Food Bucket.

For $80, the big-box store sells an “Emergency Food Bucket” comprised of 150 freeze-dried meals, including rice, pudding, pasta, and, for some reason, potato pot pie.

The Armeggedon carbohydrate wet dream lasts for 25 years, longer than most marriages, especially trump’s, so wipe starvation off your bucket list of concerns.

You can have your potato pie and eat it too while the wild and crazy immigrants allegedly take over the U.S.A.

Make sure to have a microwave already set up in your safe place or yourdining options will be severely limited.

Bon Appetit!

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