Queen E…
A sense of humor never fades.
The other day I called Queen E. out for being negative.
She was in a tizzy because she was temporarily stuck on her $14,000 deluxe outdoor chairlift.
It stopped midway up the stairs.
She freaked and said it was one of the worst experiences of her life.
Come on, Queen E…that’s definitely a First World problem.
Friends reached out to check up on my mother’s devastating experience as she had retold the tragic tale to several people.
Are you kidding me.
We spend $1000s each week to have an able bodied aide watch over her.
If need be, her attentive aide could have brought a parasol to shade Queen E. from the Florida sun, an adult beverage to quell her frayed nerves (there’s a seatbelt attached) and appetizers to wait out the arrival of the burly security guards at her Florida home or 911 to rescue her.
I informed Queen E. that she needed to get it together and turn her frown upside down.
She hung up on me.
This is not unusual when she doesn’t like what I say.
10 minutes later I received a call from Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.
“Hello, is Toby there?” the elated voice queried.
I was taken aback.
Who is this shining light of positivity on the other end of the line?
It was Queen E. who phoned to declare life trancendent and that in 97 years she had never experienced such happiness.
You gotta love her sense of humor even when she is driving me crazy.

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LOVE your mom!
LOVE this story so much. Love, love, love! Too bad her and my grandmother aren’t neighbors.. they would 100% be besties and would rule the community for sure.
You can bet on that!!