This weekend the love of my life celebrated a birthday.
Six years ago we rescued her from a shelter in San Bernardino, but, in essence, Finnley rescued us.
It is a perfect relationship…a balanced connection.
Finnley provides us with unconditional love and we nurture and care for her and walk her and walk her and walk her…
Nothing makes you feel better than a pup curling up next to you or your doggie turning around on a walk, gazing adoringly, just checking in.
She has been our cure-all during the pandemic, providing a shot of sanity and companionship especially for Courtny.

I have nurtured 9 dogs during my lifetime and I am a better person thanks to Bobby the Boxer, Daisy, Beau Brummell, Samantha, Gold Shores Toughshot I, Tougher 2. Berkeley, Ms. Madison Avenue and Finnley.
Finnley, Happy 6th Birthday.
Your human companions have proven to be trainable and have become adept at most commands although I have to improve Sit and Stay, David needs to work on Roll Over and Courtny must obey, Leave It when she shops.
Thanks for rescuing us.
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Best wishes Finley from the López family.
Finnley thanks you and appreciates your good wishes?