
New York City, Theater

Smash Mouth Day…

Smash Mouth Day…

New York City has always been a stage, a place where dreams teeter on the edge of triumph and heartbreak.

New York City

Nothing Extraordinary Can Be Fabulous…

Nothing Extraordinary Can Be Fabulous…

New York City is freezing.


It’s A Wrap…

It’s A Wrap…

Sights from the last day in Paris.


It Doesn’t Get Better Than Paris…

It Doesn’t Get Better Than Paris…

Chapter 2, day 2.


Vive La France…

Vive La France…

Let the sympathy tour begin!

New York City

Build It And They Will Come…

Build It And They Will Come…

My neighborhood is buzzing with activity.

New York City

Herding The Weekend…

Herding The Weekend…

The best way to navigate Manhattan is by foot.

Daughters, New York City, Theater

All That Glitters…

All That Glitters…

I I am sticking to my belief that if you are bored in NewYork City then you are dead.

New York City

Surprisingly Stunning SoHo…

Surprisingly Stunning SoHo…

Firstly, Kamala killed it… you go, girl and Taylor Swift feels the same way!! Get engaged. Register to vote! Now back to regularly scheduled programming.

New York City, Staycation

Living For The City…

Living For The City…

Making magic on the fly.