Articles by: Toby TL

Democracy, Theater



This election is dangerous to my health. I just can’t quit MSNBC and The NY Times.

Fall Foliage

Autumn In New York…

Autumn In New York…

Beautiful week in New York City.

A Little Of This & That, Theater

A Right Turn To Left on Tenth & Sweet Dreams Mrs. Robert F. Kennedy…

A Right Turn To Left on Tenth & Sweet Dreams Mrs. Robert F. Kennedy…

I love rom-coms.

Restaurant Reviews

Building Bridges…NYC Restaurant Review

Building Bridges…NYC Restaurant Review

Chinatown is seeing a resurgence in new restaurants. I find it a geographically challenging area to get to. Bridges, an innovative new restaurant, just opened downtown so we found our […]

Women's Health

Uptown Girls…

Uptown Girls…

Give me a moment to grab my soapbox from under my bed.


From Buzzword To Boardroom…

From Buzzword To Boardroom…

Great news…we can all afford an executive assistant.

Life’s Challenges

Constructive Coupling…

Constructive Coupling…

Golden rule of marriage.

A Little Of This & That, Theater

Suspend Reality…

Suspend Reality…

Jump for joy!

Restaurant Reviews

Sempre Oggi…NYC Restaurant Review

Sempre Oggi…NYC Restaurant Review

Italian restaurants…so many yet so few worth the price. $35 for pasta. It better be good.

Civic Duty

Judgment Day…

Judgment Day…

Yesterday, I performed my civil duty, but it was as much fun as a colonoscopy without drugs.