Tough week.
Sleep has eluded me.
I decided to go on an early evening excursion to the Guggenheim Museum which is open Tuesdays until 9pm during the summer.
The draw was the 175 sculpture and paintings by Alberto Giacometti, one of Queen E.’s favorite sculptors (1901-1966).
My mom, who passed away last week, was an accomplished papier-mâché artist and several of her large pieces were reminiscent of Giacometti’s style.
I am an admirer of the Guggenheim Museum’s physical set up.

Special exhibits are dramatically showcased all along the winding quarter-mile spiral to the top.
What goes up must come down and the viewer is offered another perspective and the opportunity to observe the wondrous pieces all over again.
The opening gambit at the Giacometti show are three well known sculptures.

I teared up when I took in, Standing Woman, which was a huge influence on Queen E.’s most prized piece.
His elongation of figures and obsession with the eyes which he believed mirrored the soul, are amazing.
A continuous showing of a film about the artist zeros in on his artwork and how he went about constructing a portrait.
He preferred working with live models.
His studio was cramped (15×16 ft) in the dicey Montparnese Parisienne neighborhood.
Every day, before going to work, he had coffee with friends and read the paper in the same tabac.
Giacometti worked for over 40 years investigating the human form.
Allow me to take you on an artistic journey:

Hope you enjoyed the retrospective.
Giacometti Guggenheim Museum 1071 Fifth Avenue New York City. Exhibit runs from June 8th-September 12th, 2018.
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Would you consider posting some Queen E’s pieces? We have a display of Minerva’s pieces in our home. I believe they are from the same era. Helen Kramer was part of that group as well! Did they use the Queen’s garage? Their instructor was Dina Pisa (pardon the spelling) I believe.