Doing It At Daybreak…

Ms. Madison & Finnley
Ms. Madison & Finnley

My husband is out of town and I have dog duty.

I normally wake up early, but actually getting out of bed is challenging.

By 6am, Madison, our loyal, lovable lab is circling the bedroom, exhibiting signs of tremors as she shakes her head relentlessly so that her name tag echoes throughout the house, pronouncing that it is time for a walk and breakfast.

She lives for her nutritious helping of SoJo.

Finnley could care less because going outside is not worth the effort unless it is to play or search for canine companions.

Relying on my core, I search for balance in order to dress myself at daybreak.

Controlling two dogs who seem to go in separate directions at different speeds is even more challenging.

Once outside, I love the time of day…the relative quiet, no traffic, cool fresh air.

I often wonder why I don’t run the dogs as the sun rises and then I remember the pains it took to actually rise and shine.

I head back inside, make the dogs breakfast while simultaneously brewing espresso and foaming milk to fortify myself.

Succumbing and channeling exhaustion from my early morning escapades, I slink back into bed to briefly rejuvenate myself for the day.

For sure I will run the dogs, but not right now…

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