Walk This Way…

I did not think I would be able to post today due to lack of substance.

Life is predictably stagnant after major surgery.

I am used to leading an active, interesting life.

The motivation to post is that I just felt like acknowledging my post surgery milestone…my first foray outside.

I am now leaning on a new partner…my Mobility Manhandler which is my new lifeline.

We walked together for the first time on Monday. It was uncomfortably daunting.

Being an independent woman it’s hard to lean on someone else.

Historically, I am a hiker and a 5-10 mile a day NYC  walker.

This week I tentatively traversed my street and worked up quite a sweat.

Granted, it has been humid and in the 90’s every day.

The metal walker had a rough time navigating the broken, poorly patched, uneven sidewalk.  I ultimately took to the street and literally stopped traffic.

It is humbling to relearn to walk.

Bad leg first, keep the walker close to the body, step down on the bad leg, step up on the good. Don’t walk in the middle of the sidewalk, stand erect keep things moving despite the fact that you have shooting leg pain and your hands ache.

Yesterday, I learned to rely on a cane.  Cane in right and step first with the left.  I am now trying to walk like a chair…so much to process.

Anyway, completing a block felt triumphant and doing it with only a cane is major.

I am back to basics and hoping to excel and graduate to a lovely gait within the next few months and dispose of all the metal accessories and let’s not forget the raised toilet seat…all quite humbling.

My new theme song is, Walk This Way.

Enjoy the weekend.

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One Comment

  1. Cathy Newman says:

    You got this, Friendy!! ❤️‍?

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