‘Tis The Season…

57th & 5th Avenue
57th & 5th Avenue

I hit the streets of New York City yesterday and browsed the holiday windows on Fifth and Madison Avenues.

There is nothing more beautiful than midtown Manhattan this time of year.

Before I left the west side, I stopped by the Gap in search of a black sweater. How can I not have a black sweater?

I found two black numbers. I was checking out and the manager came up to me and said, “You’re a Giant fan (I had the lid on). I am going to give you 50% off whatever you purchase because you have suffered way too much this season.”

I checked. Merch wasn’t 50% off so it was a lovely gesture, not a con job.

I guess there is a silver lining.

I dashed across Central Park and exited at 59th Street and Fifth Avenue. I was struck by the beauty of the illuminated Swarovski crystal star sponsored by UNICEF, suspended in the middle of 5th Avenue and 57th Street.

Bergdorf Goodman Windows
Bergdorf Goodman Window

I quickly walked to Bergdorf Goodman who always has, hands down, the best windows.

Bergdorf Goodman Window
Bergdorf Goodman Window

This year Bergdorf’s windows are stunning, but I think last year’s were even better.  Bergdorf Goodman selected a one-word holiday theme for 2014: Inspired.

Bergdorf Window
Bergdorf Window

They launched a set of windows celebrating the arts, drawing equally from the fine arts, performing arts and applied arts. The main windows depict literature, architecture, theater, painting, music, dance, sculpture and film.

Bergdorf Window
Bergdorf Window

Over 100 artists and design artisans worked on the project.

Bergdorf Goodman Window
Bergdorf Goodman Window

Tiffany’s has lights for the first time in years and their windows are endearing. Who doesn’t yearn for a diamond from Tiffany’s?!

Tiffany Window
Tiffany Window

Henri Bendel did nothing interesting with their windows so I moseyed over to Madison Avenue.

Barney's Windows
Barney’s Windows

I  revisited director, Baz Luhrmann’s fanciful 3 D windows at Barney’s.

Rockefeller Center  Ice Skating Rink
Rockefeller Center Ice Skating Rink

I cruised down Madison and cut over to Rockefeller Center. The tree is unadorned and dark until the big unveiling on December 3th, but the rink was ablaze with lights.

Lord & Taylor Windows
Lord & Taylor Windows

I braved the crowds and pushed my way to Lord and Taylor where the windows are traditionally, traditional. Sweet, but they don’t make me scream with reckless abandonment.

Harry Winston
Harry Winston

Back up 5th because going against the flow is often easier. I was breathless at Harry Winston and not from fighing the crowds. Their displays make me giddy. Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Ditto for Van Cleef and Arpel.

Van Cleef & Arpel
Van Cleef & Arpel

Heading home, I cruised past the Time Warner Center at Columbus Circle which year after year has a huge non-stop light show.

Time Warner Center at Columbus Circle
Time Warner Center at Columbus Circle

I hope I have provided some holiday eye candy. New York City at this time of year is unbelievable…happy holidays and enjoy your weekend.

I am off to France. Au Revoir…stayed tuned for updates on foie gras indulgence, Chanel sightings, Eiffel Tower photos, wine consumption, museum tours and other french delights.

Barney's Window
Barney’s Window

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  1. I will.

  2. You magically transported me to my favorite time of year in my favorite city! p.s. did you happen to mosey into Barneys or Bergdorfs and buy me some holiday cheer?

  3. Looking forward to my trip back east on the 2nd…can’t wait to take that same walk and experience all the excitement the city has to offer. Thanks for the preview.
    Have a wonderful trip and Happy Thanksgiving.

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