Team Estrogen…

The NY Yankees won the Bigly “One and Done” Wild Card game against the Oakland A’s Wednesday night.


It’s October so bring on the fall classic.

The road to the World Series legitimately commences tonight with the Bronx Bombers opening up at Fenway Park against their arch nemesis, Boston Red Sox.

Baseball is a metaphor for life.

There are winners and losers, Playas are always playing the bases, there are a lot of foul balls and someone is always balking.

Right now America could use some team spirit and camaraderie…a bit of Kumbaya, holding hands around the campfire while we burn in effigy senators Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham.

This country is as split as Yankee’s ace pitcher, Masahiro Tanaka’s, splitter and let us not forget that the middle finger is an integral part of the splitter.

Most importantly, women in America let’s continue the great teamwork.

VOTE to make Team Estrogen stronger and more powerful.

Game plan about how to defeat the old white men who dominate the game.

Remember that these wussies need to wear a cup to protect their sexist collective brains.

And, of course, GO YANKEES.



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