Post Tagged with: "North Korea"

Joey & Mamala

Happy Days Are Here Again…

Happy Days Are Here Again…

January 20th, 2021…a Day of Renewal and Hope.


All About The Base…

All About The Base…

‘Splain me, Lucy. I just don’t understand this administration’s policy goals.


Picture This…

Picture This…

When I was a kid, I loved Flash Cards. My mom would test my alphabet and addition acumen employing these visuals. Sadly, Flash Cards went the way of Cliff Notes. […]


Trump Dumps On Island Surrounded By Big Water…

Trump Dumps On Island Surrounded By Big Water…

According to a well-known expression, Rome’s emperor at the time, the decadent and unpopular Nero, “fiddled while Rome burned.”

Agent Orange

“F” Bombs…

“F” Bombs…

“Fire and Fury” has taken on a whole new meaning this week.


Agent Orange, I Salute You…

Agent Orange, I Salute You…

Springsteen’s Glory Days keeps playing on an endless loop in my mind.


Clap On…

Clap On…

The Easter bunny delivered some rotten eggs during the holiday weekend. North Korea was the stinkiest.


Li’l Boys And Their Toys…

Li’l Boys And Their Toys…

Leaving on a jet plane.

Health + Fitness

Shutting Down…

Shutting Down…

I rarely sleep.