Post Tagged with: "Cooking"

A Little Of This & That



Entertainment and information is trending low today.

A Little Of This & That

Dull As Dishwater…

Dull As Dishwater…

Time to strike a pose in the kitchen.

All About Me



Was yesterday a holiday? I cooked for four frickin’ hours.

All About Me

Law & Order…

Law & Order…

Even if the world is uncertain, there are still things I count on.


Been Here Before…

Been Here Before…

Life in Coronaville is basically experiencing a continuous nonstop loop of Groundhog Day….you can now add the new Hulu fun flick, Palm Springs, to the mix.

All About Me



Lounging in a turquoise Adirondack chair on my patio. It feels as if I am waiting for Father Time to do a drive by.

Food + Drink, Recipes

Cookin’ With Gas…

Cookin’ With Gas…

I’m back in Los Angeles, willingly handcuffed to the stove. I don’t mind most days. The truth be told, I wouldn’t kick a sous chef or a clean up crew […]


Hands Free…

Hands Free…

    I enjoy cooking and cleaning, especially when I am in the mood. But both practices are demanding mistresses.


You’ve Been Chopped…

You’ve Been Chopped…

I am nervous that my cooking skills have evaporated.