Post Tagged with: "Brooklyn Museum"

Restaurant Reviews

Honoring Oxalis…NYC Restaurant Review

Honoring Oxalis…NYC Restaurant Review

Sunday in Brooklyn with Oxalis.

Restaurant Reviews

The Norm…NYC Restaurant Review

The Norm…NYC Restaurant Review

The Thierry Mugler exhibit heightened all my senses.

Fashion, Museums

Thierry Mugler: Couturissime Exhibit…

Thierry Mugler: Couturissime Exhibit…

The Thierry Mugler exhibit is amazing!

Restaurant Reviews

Brooklyn Museum With A Side Of Vietnamese Food…

Brooklyn Museum With A Side Of Vietnamese Food…

The highly contagious Corona virus makes it difficult to dine out IF you are a conscientious objector to the unvaccinated.


Warhol Revelation…

Warhol Revelation…

Andy Warhol unmasked.


Dior and Obama Designed To Woo…

Dior and Obama Designed To Woo…

I recently joined the Brooklyn Museum just to be able to secure reservations to the Dior and Obama exhibits.