Summer Friday’s Are Drifting Away…


Alright, alright, alright…it’s Friday.

Reality check…today is one of the last Fun Fridays of summer…boo-hoo.

Where did the summer go, although fall is my favorite season…cooler, humidity free weather on the east coast, football, Thanksgiving, annual visit to  France where I can only utter French salutations and order food….c’est dommage.

Today, I celebrate Fun Friday by spending a stupid amount of money to cover my grey hair…what a surprise. I have grey growth!

Single process coloring could be accomplished at home with a store bought kit, but I have no hair styling or maintenance mad skills.

My cross to bear…you just cannot be gifted at everything.

At least I am maintained in Malibu with a water view.

Sushi Friday is another highlight.

Yankees arrive in LA today on a hideous losing streak. The way they are playing lately, this could be a huge disappointment as I am headed to Dodger Stadium on Sunday.

Oh well, I cannot control everything.

Enjoy the weekend.

Perhaps take a moment to consider a vacation to Denmark and Greenland.

We should all personally salute and support the ‘nasty’ 41 year-old Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark…why are intelligent, strong women always labeled nasty by Humpty Trumpty?!

Talk amongst yourselves.



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