Peaceful, Easy Feeling…

The sounds of silence.

Residing in Florida is a very different existence.

It is fantasyland.

Restaurants, golf, tennis, swimming, the beach are all within walking distance.

It is so quiet and peaceful that some days I wake up and wonder if I succumbed and I am in heaven.

I know I am a city girl, but if you ever want to escape reality this is the place and thankfully, this is a color me blue part of the Sunshine state.

I do realize I am not ready to retire from the real world as polarized and uncivilized it is right now.

I know why Queen E. fought to keep options open, not relenting regarding selling her northern home.

Everything is golf course green and swimming pool blue.

To be honest, I thought if I ever lost a home it would be this place taking flight during a devastating hurricane…still a climate change possibility.

Realistically, I am no longer California dreaming. It’s Floridays and Moon Over Miami.



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  1. It is surreal as to what has happened and still doing so. My heart goes out to you and to others that have lost so much. What happens now seems daunting in scope. My love to you all. I am glad you are in a peaceful place. A lot to take in . My love. Ellie

    • Thank you for reaching out, Ellie. It has been a tough time and we still do not know very much. The area is still an active fire zone so no one is allowed in.
      I greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness💜

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