Keepin’ It Real…

Funny how adaptable we are.

One month ago I was so apprehensive about leaving my home and going on an airplane.

I am still very guarded and wear a mask in enclosed spaces and eat outside, but the trauma is not constant and all consuming.

Until yesterday when a man walked into the gym with a mask on signifying that he was unvaccinated.

Reality reared it’s ugly head.

On went the mask and the past 16 months rushed back.

I know I am protected, but one never knows.

A South African relative just emailed that the Delta variant has hit the country hard and they are at Level 3.

The strain continues to ravage long-suffering India and it is also making its presence known closer to home.

Amid a recent rise in L.A. County’s seven-day test positivity rate, last Thursday, L.A. County saw the largest daily number of new COVID-19 cases since May 15.

In Florida, Governor De Santis is all in regarding your face and everything else hangin’ loose.

Thankfully, many residents still wear masks in stores, but never in restaurants.

Fortunately, 90% of the people where we have a place in Florida are vaccinated which is undoubtably positive and uplifting.

Stay vigilant, my friends…we are not out of the Covid woods yet.

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