Hot Child In the Chilly City…

I find myself completely single. My husband is away on business and my daughter has been  agenting out of town for the past week.

What to do?

The girls and I are clocking lots of miles on the Fitbit.

It is actually cool in southern California.

I’m talking the day starting in the 40’s and reaching a high in the 60’s.

I love it.

After our outdoor activities, I am doing titillating things like working, writing, posting my blog, cleaning, organizing kitchen cabinets and closets, polishing wood and marble surfaces.

Wow, the Sex and the City posse must be dying of jealousy knowing all the wickedly seductive ways I am spending my time as a single woman in the big city.

I think I have forgotten how to be completely along. I do love the peace and quiet, the fastidious home, barely having to make my bed because I am a tidy sleeper, not having to make 2-3 meals daily, but I must admit to being a bit bored.

Not that I don’t have my own life or dependent on my husband to feel whole.

Damn it, I am my own woman, but I thoroughly enjoy doing things with my mate or else I wouldn’t still me married.

If I ever find myself permanently single I need to reacclimate. I look at my mother and see her fill the days, but nights can be long.

Maybe I will make my fantasy midlife career a reality.

Allow me to elaborate. My last name means Love in Russian and I often kid that when I become a stripper/pole dancer my stage name will be, Toby Love.

I can already see it in neon blinking lights.

That profession will fill my nights while I earn some extra cash.

I now know what to do immediately with the time I presently have on my hands….I need to get into JLo shape to meet the demands of my projected new menopausal career.

This is also a shopping opportunity because my present wardrobe just won’t fit the bill.

Finding life solutions is pretty sexy.

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  1. Paula Lopez says:


  2. Love it….
    My old motorcycle days are gone and the leather outfit doesn’t fit anymore, like 6 sizes too small.
    Present time riding outfit… Old jeans and a black Harley t-shirt…. Sexy ?, isn’t the purpose anymore… More like comfort and being able to swing that leg around…
    You go girl!!!!

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