Eat His Words…

Conflict Non-resolution

“I like conflict.”

Said the moron who invites in chaos, conflict, racism,** sexism, so no one can be laser focused on Stupid and his lack of experience and knowledge to run this once great country.

Make America Inconsequential.

Too long for a hat, but Mission Accomplished.

Every damn day, he eats his words.

One can only hope his appetite for the absurd and desire for conflict will soon be satiated.

I am not optomistic.

Living with Agent Orange is like training your puppy.

You just never know what to expect, but you do know that you will be cleaning up shit all day long and dealing with unruly behavior.

By the time trump leaves office, China will rule the world, hordes of great people will be fleeing the country, the parklands will be raped, public education will cease to exist, we will stand alone on the world stage and perhaps America will have experienced a nuclear attack.

And that’s only the half of it.

Girder your loins…there won’t be any steel or aluminum left to support you.


**I had to include the latest at Housing and Urban Development. Secretary Ben Carson is changing the mission statement of his agency, removing promises of inclusive and discrimination-free communities. Isn’t that why HUD was created in 1965 to provide housing and community development assistance and to make sure everyone has access to “fair and equal” housing?! You just can’t fix stupid.

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