My 20s and 30s were dedicated to graduating college, living in Europe, working and touring with rock bands, sports, getting married, starting a family and my own business and, of course, shopping.
I was always looking for work clothes that were corporate by day and fun and frivolous for all my mandatory clubbing and concerts at night.
I have shed all my younger obsessions except sports and presently my retail therapy addiction zeros in on Amazon.
It’s so easy to buy everything online…cleaning products, toilet paper, food, beauty products, and yes, clothes.
The list of purchases is endless and very sexy. Yesterday, I bought a shower cap and Grey Poupon mustard from Amazon.
But, I must admit, after in depth coaching, I am discovering attractive clothing and accessories.
I will never be on the same level as my ultra skilled retail therapist daughter, but I am learning.
Lying low these days I am working diligently towards mastering online skills.
Most days is a Christmas morning reenactment with the surplus of cardboard boxes and white and blue envelopes.
I love the hunt and Prime returns are so easy.