Eight months into the pandemic and people are still complaining and pushing back against wearing masks.
And washing hands…isn’t that something you do several times a day anyway unless you are all still in diapers or are just a disgustingly unhygienic person?!
Wearing a mask saves lives including the pathetic, selfish lives of those who have turned this into a rage against the state.
Let me be brutally honest.
I hope all you trump loyalists and diehard followers of a self-serving autocrat get together at Thanksgiving and host huge, bigly, beautiful Turkey Rages, set up mashed potato and stuffing mosh pits, jump into the expanded side dishes, maskless and slam dancing with your MAGA hats on, as close together as if you are having an orgy.
Then head home with your kids, parents, grandparents, favorite aunts and uncles and I hope you all suffer terribly from Covid.
Is it politically incorrect to say that I could not give a shit if you all die because you are ignorant, ill informed, selfish and basically taking a stand against your own well being?!
Enjoy the holidays because you may not live to celebrate another one.
Cheers to all the masked crusaders who socially distance and will not host or attend Thanksgiving gatherings.
The upside…No clean up, no gaseous odors, no complains, no political battles, no relatives you cannot stand, the joy of eating massive amounts, unencumbered in sweatpants, sports bras without make up and coiffed hair.
You will be able to continue to live and enjoy Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year’s Eve, Valentine’s Day and a life saving vaccine.
Being responsible is a win/win.
Happy and Healthy Holidays!🥳🍗