Rise Up…
Dealing with gender inequality and workplace sexual harassment has been a constant most of my professional life.
Dealing with gender inequality and workplace sexual harassment has been a constant most of my professional life.
Greetings…I’m back up on my soapbox. Apparently, citizens of the good ole U.S. of A. don’t trust Hillary Clinton.
As a full-blooded member of the beyond capable, multi-tasking gender and an American, I am thrilled that a woman may be the next President of the United States of America.
Miraculously, Governor Chris Christie does have a better half. Once you cut through the layers of fat and bullshit you get a peek at his wife, Mary Pat Christie.
Grudges. Unfortunately, I hang onto them as tightly as I do my NY Giants game day superstitions.
Anger. Is there an environmentally friendly receptacle for it?