
Los Angeles, Theater

The Lonely Few in Lalaland…

The Lonely Few in Lalaland…

Dipped my toe into the Los Angeles theater scene this weekend.


Bad Cinderella Debuts On Broadway…

Bad Cinderella Debuts On Broadway…

Bad Cinderella, a new Andrew Lloyd Webber musical, has arrived on Broadway. I will get to the play.

A Little Of This & That, Theater, TV

“O Romeo, Romeo, Wherefore Art Thou Romeo?”…

“O Romeo, Romeo, Wherefore Art Thou Romeo?”…

It’s Friday and I am serving up a pu pu platter of tasty morsels.

A Little Of This & That, New York City, Theater

Only in Manhattan…

Only in Manhattan…

What happens in Manhattan, happens.

Movies, Theater

For A Good Time…

For A Good Time…

Cooler winds prevail.


KPOP Infiltrates Broadway…

KPOP Infiltrates Broadway…

I just channeled my inner frenzied, screaming teenager.


Regards To Broadway…

Regards To Broadway…

I did a deep dive on Broadway last week.

Family, Theater

On The Menu Fat Ham With A Helping of Family…

On The Menu Fat Ham With A Helping of Family…

There is nothing better than enjoying your family.


Myles Frost, Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’…

Myles Frost, Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’…


Movies, Theater, TV

Distracted Amidst Despair…

Distracted Amidst Despair…

I must admit to being uninspired and feeling a sense of despair.