I am throwing down the gauntlet.
I propose a winner take all battle.
The Asses vs. Alaska.
Since the taxpayers foot the bill for all Air Force One Trump vacation flights, let’s rev up the jet and put Agent Orange and the anti-environment Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke, on board.
The great state of Alaska will set up a bigly, beautiful ring in the middle of the Alaskan wild…another rally opportunity for our fuhrer.
The less than dynamic duo of Trump and Zinke can personally select a partisan bear and pick day and time.
It will be a hand to hand combat, winner take all match.
That’s two thugly animals against one bear.
If the dastardly duo win, Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski votes ‘Yea’ in favorite of the pathetic Trump healthcare bill.
If the bear is victorious then Trump and Zinke back off and allow Senator Murkowski and the great state of Alaska to do what is best for the citizens of the Last Frontier state.
In case you have only been watching, The Housewives of New York, Trump has called out Senator Murkowski for “letting Republicans and this country down” for not voting the party line and endorsing the heinous healthcare bill.
Wednesday, America’s very own Hitler had Zinke call the two senators from Alaska and warned them of potential repercussions after Senator Lisa Murkowski voted against the Republican health care bill.
Allegedly, “The message was pretty clear” from the Trump administration.
I can barely bear this anti-democracy nonsense any more.
Word to the wise, you cannot keep a good leadHER down…sticks and stones can break a woman’s bones, but words and tweets can never hurt HER.
*photo: Salon
Funny and sad.
good one, Toby!
Thanks…this is all beyond absurd. The Househusbands of Washington, DC!!