
Today is my annual gynecological exam.

It is amazing how time changes expectations.

As a teenager, going to the gyno was creepy.

Expectations about becoming a woman were met with fascination and trepidation.

The next stage was fear as I had endometriosis and the pain and looming dread of surgery was a constant.

Then I became pregnant and every visit was a thrilling experience, a conscious journey into motherhood.

Giving birth was a major chapter.

Then the dreaded reality of menopause.

I do believe my body changed more during this time than any other.

The Devil took possession and wrapped me in his scolding vise for a decade.

Today, I enter the examine room with no expectations except that my blood pressure is normal, bone density acceptable, hopes that my uterus has not fallen to my knees and my breasts are perky and in healthy condition.

Womanhood…what an exciting, rewarding  yet frightening adventure.

Although challenging, I have thoroughly enjoyed life without a penis.

*art by n. collins


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